What can an Ultrasound show?
Pregnancy ultrasound can help reveal:
- Your stage of pregnancy and due date
- How many babies you’re carrying
- Your baby’s heart rate and heart function
- Your baby’s position inside the uterus such as head-down or breech
- Certain birth defects or conditions such as Down syndrome
- Your baby’s anatomy, movements and size
- Reproductive growths in the mother such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
- The placenta’s location
- The amount of amniotic fluid
When should women have Pregnancy Ultrasounds?
Pregnancy ultrasounds can be performed at any time during your pregnancy. According to most doctors, it is recommended to get ultrasound done at least 3 times to ensure the health of the women and the babies. Here are 3 important stages of pregnancy should be checked:
- The 1st trimester (10-13 week)
- The 2nd trimester (18-22 week)
- The 3rd trimester (30 – 32 week)
What are the different types of Ultrasound?
There are 2 common types of Ultrasound:
- Transabdominal (standard) ultrasound is the most common prenatal ultrasound. It involves gliding a transducer across your lower abdomen to create two-dimensional images of your baby and internal organs.
- Transvaginal ultrasound involves inserting a long probe-shaped transducer into your vagina. This type of ultrasound is more common in early pregnancy when the baby is very small and harder to find from outside the abdomen.
Beside that, many OBGYN clinics offer 3D & 4D Ultrasound:
- 3D ultrasound takes several two-dimensional images using transabdominal ultrasound and puts them together to make a three-dimensional image.
- 4D ultrasound creates series of three-dimensional pictures, compose into short videos that show movement.
Does an ultrasound examination guarantee that my baby is normal?
No. It is important to know that not all birth defects can be detected by ultrasound. Some abnormalities are too small to be seen or appear later in pregnancy. Some organ systems may be more difficult to assess because of your baby’s position or the size of the mother.
Can I find out the sex of my baby?
Yes & No. Ultrasound can determine the gender of your baby but Vietnamese law forbidden doctors to review the baby’s gender. Therefore, doctors have rights to refuse review the baby’s gender to the parents.
What Are the Risks?
There are no known risks of prenatal ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images. This is different than X-rays, which use radiation.
Tips when getting a pregnancy ultrasound
- A full bladder is very important for the ultrasound exam to get a clear image of the fetus and your reproductive organs. You shouldn’t urinate before your ultrasound so you arrive at your appointment with a full bladder.
- We recommend a two-piece outfit so we can access your abdomen without you removing your clothing.
- You may eat normally prior to having a pregnancy ultrasound.
How much does a pregnancy ultrasound cost?
Currently, the price range for pregnancy ultrasound service of OBGYN clinics is between 200,000 – 650,000VNĐ depends on which type of ultrasound and the clinic.
Where to get a pregnancy ultrasound
Most Docosan’s OBGYN clinics offer standard and other type of pregnancy ultrasound (3D, 4D, 5D). In order to pick the best one for your needs, get in contact with Docosan Customer Service now.
Disclaimer:This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the basis of patient treatment.The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.